Sprinkling System, Sprinkling Dust Suppression System, Sprinkling system For Stock Yard and Road

Uses: stockyards, Roads etc

EIC is pioneer in design and supply of sprinkling dust suppression system for Stock yard and various other applications,

Sprinkling system is used for dust suppression of stockpile. Water is sprayed on the stockpiles to keep the coal or any other materials damped and prevent dust to flying around . Sprinklers Irrigation systems is used to control dust on outdoor stockpiles or road etc, but when the stockpiles are excavated, dust will arise as the drier material in the pile is exposed and moved around. An sprinkler system uses a lot more water than a fogging system – , sprinkling system is chosen after a lot of considerable planning and forethought.

One Sprinkler can move around its axis and can throw the water even up 20-50 m away.

We take stock yard dust suppression system on turnkey basis, right from conveying the water from storage or ponds to stock yard or its uses point and, further pumps the water to the area of sprinkler type dust suppression system for stock yard or any other applications. As per requirement, we select range of sprinkler for that particular application, we than further select, the individual water consumption of the selected sprinkler and water pressure. After selection of sprinkler, we makes the layout of the sprinkler distribution for that application. We further than design and assigns the pumps capacity and pipe sizes etc. 

Sprinkler system spares, Sprinkler